Our News

Tournée Graines d’Avenir 2023

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Tournée graines d'avenir


Seeds of the Future is the name chosen for our CSR approach!

An approach experienced and deployed within each SBV site around illustrations of concrete actions carried out by our teams.

For several weeks, and at the initiative of each site, numerous activities are offered to all employees, such as:

🚚 Food trucks and product tastings highlighting our nutritional commitments,

🧘 Massage workshops and group games to promote the activity of living better together,

🐣 Activities with Huttepain Bretagne on animal welfare to better understand sustainable breeding,

🚗 A barrel car to raise awareness about road safety.

🎁 And lots of other surprises!

Enriching days for all our employees who are made aware of the importance of their daily actions!


–> Throwback images on our 2023 seeds of the future tour <–


To end the month of October, the Seeds of the Future tour set up shop on our LDC Bretagne site.

tournée graines d'avenir

In the program :

▪ Meet the little chicks 🐣 (rustic black strain) from the VOLAILLES DE BRETAGNE team

▪ Prevention workshops on risky behavior linked to alcohol/drugs and road safety 🚗 Extreme Security

▪ Biodiversity and flower bomb creation workshop with the intervention of Jeremy Delobel

▪ A sporting challenge around cycling, each kilometer traveled brought €1 to the Handi’Chiens association to help finance a puppy🚲 🐶 1000 kms were traveled by employees!

▪ Collection of more than a dozen cushions made by our employees for Pink October.

▪ And to finish, we enjoyed a good meal with chicken meat from our production, certified black chicken taken outside, cooked by our client/partner the Pierrick HENRY rotisserie “Le Paysan Charcutier”


tournée graines d'avenir

At the end of November, the Seeds of the Future tour set up shop at PLG, our logistics site located in Ploërmel.

In the program :

🐣 Meeting with Huttepain Bretagne,

🚗 Prevention workshops on risky behavior linked to alcohol/drugs and road safety – Extreme Security,

🎯 Sports challenge of a darts tournament,

🥘 Tasting good pancakes and pancakes


tournée graines d'avenir

We are closing the Seeds of the Future 2023 tour on the Saint-Jean-Brevelay site for Celvia Elaborés and SOCIÉTÉ BRETON DE VOLAILLE

The days of December 12 and 13 hosted the following program:

🐝 Meeting with our beekeeper and distribution of honey collected on our site,

♻️ Actions in favor of eco-packaging,

🧘‍♀️ Self-massage workshop and awareness of non-violent communication with our partner EnPause,

🥘 Tasting of paninis and kebabs cooked with our products with A2PASD’ICI.


Laughter, smiles and lots of good humor for moments that will remain great successes.

Thank you to the organizers, but also to all those who participated directly or indirectly in these beautiful interludes.

Thank you to all the employees of the Breton poultry company!

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